How Does Water Affect Our World?



This is the water cycle...

  1. Evaporation - This is when the sun heats up the oceans, lakes and streams. The water becomes gas and rises.
 2. Condensation- As the water vapour gets higher, it starts to get cooler and turns back into liquid. This also forms clouds
 3. Precipitation- The clouds get heavier and start raining. It usually rains on the mountain because, it is so high up. This is known as relief rainfall.
 4. Surface Runoff - The water flows down and eventually finds its way back to the oceans, lakes and streams.
 5. Transpiration - This is where evaporation takes place in plants. The plants take out water through their roots and the water evaporates from their leaves.
 6. This whole cycle is repeated over and over and over again.

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